Friday, April 1, 2011

the monstrosity


Seriously Mom?

HELP! Get me out!! I don't care how cute the buttons are!!

Thank you Gibson!! We LOVE you!

Monday, February 8, 2010


So how did Max react to a snow dachshund? How do you think?!

sniffed its butt and then? total distruction!!

" me from the horns of the wild oxen." Psalms 22:21 (If you read that really fast, it sounds like wild-dachshund, which is obviously what the poet meant; the scribe writing it down just heard wrong!)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the story of cake...

First there was yummy cake with a candle...

then, oh so delicately, ever the lady, the birthday girl politely ate her cake...

and then, 5 seconds later...oh yes